Joseph smiled for the first time on Friday, which was amazing. He's still very selective about doing it, but its lovely when he does. He spends so much of his time fighting sleep that he is always a little grumpy. He is growing so quickly - in the picture above (taken today) he is wearing a 3-6 month romper suit! He has outgrown his moses basket already and has been sleeping in his cot in his own room for a week. It's a little earlier than I would like and far earlier than the guidelines state, but he's taken to it well, and his room is right next to ours, it's just a bit of a pain when he wakes in the night.
Adam went back to work yesterday and is slowly gaining strength. Joseph and I went to post-natal yoga, which I really enjoyed. Joseph was an absolute angel and slept all the way through - the only baby that did. One poor woman paid her £6 to spend an hour feeding her baby! I went for a coffee with a few of the other mummies afterwards, which was lovely.
I plan to spend the next few days observing Joseph as I want to try and encourage a routine, but one that's natural to him. He already feeds 3 hourly like clockwork, but his sleep is a lot more erratic. It then means that I can plan my days better to try and fit more in. As well as the usual household chores, there are other things I want to try and fit in each day, such as going for a nice long walk, scrapbooking and, blogging. I also want to do something social for both of us a few times a week. This afternoon we are off to see my friend Sally, and her little boy, Elliot.
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