15th January 2009
Today Joseph has decided that he no longer wants to play lying down, something he has always loved to do. He is now much more confident in his sitting ability and wants to show off his new skills. He's still very wobbly, and I wouldn't dare to leave him without cushioning around him, but he really has come on in leaps and bounds over the last couple of days.
Last weekend we travelled down to Leicester. We visited family, and, as mentioned in my last post, Adam's mum & step-dad babysat for us so that Adam could take me out for a lovely birthday meal. Much as we love our little man, it was great to have some time to ourselves, and to eat a meal without little hands trying to grab everything on the plate!
I went to work on Monday and didn't have the best day. I was working in the younger pre-school room, and the children were a nightmare! They didn't listen, they hit each other, threw toys, got everything out, wouldn't tidy up, wouldn't listen, shouted etc etc. There are a lot of children who have only just moved in to the room and I don't think that helped matters. Not a room I'm keen to be based in! Adam and Joseph had a good day though. Just one more to go. Joseph has 2 settle-in sessions at nursery next week, and then he does his first full day the week after.
Rhythm Time went well again on Tuesday. Joseph is definitely enjoying it now. I enjoyed it more this week too, although I still prefer the old class. Yesterday we went in to Macc. I had some cheques to pay in to the bank from Christmas/birthday, and some clothes to return. I also popped in to Boots and discovered that they had massive sale on their Christmas gift stock, so bought a whole load of things that were just too good value to leave behind. I was really laden up, so had to take it all back to the car. I then went back, and got a second load and had to take that back too! I then went back and did the other things I needed/wanted to do. Got some absolute bargains, but boy do my arms and legs ache today from carrying it all!
So, what do you do on a day when all your muscles ache? Well, if you're me, you decided to move a load of furniture around! I decided to rearrange our bedroom. We had planned to do it together, but I got sick of waiting til we were both free and had the energy to do it. Basically i swapped the ends of the bedroom over, which mean taking everything off 2 shelf units and removing the stuff and the units from the room. Moving the wardrobe to the other end of the room, moving the bed to the other end of the room, returning the shelf units and stuff and adding a 3rd shelf unit!! Can't believe I managed to do it alone and in 1 day, especially as I went out for a couple of hours too - I took Joseph to JJ's to meet up with some friends from work and their babies just after lunch.
Joseph now has 2 teeth, and I think his third might be about to make an appearance too. His gum has been swollen for around a week, and I think I can see something there, but he won't let me look properly. Still, we'll know soon enough.
1 comment:
so was it worth all the effort? You must have been exhausted - and after spending too much money too!
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