I'm taking part in this project this week, and today is my first day. I'm sure I won't post a full run down like this every day, but this is what I've done today:
6.25am – Joseph wakes. I go and get him up and change his nappy
6.30am – Adam’s alarm goes off as I bring Joseph into our room for his feed. Adam gets up.
6.45am – Joseph finishes feeding and I lay him down next to me in our bed
7.00am – clock radio goes off – listening to Chris Moyles
7.30am – Adam comes in to say goodbye to us both. Joseph cries when Adam kisses him – his little face just crumples. (Adam’s just had a week off work and today is his first day back. Does the little guy know what’s going on, or is he just tired?)
7.45am – I get up and take photos of each room as it looks at the start of the day. A real mess after a few days away and from having Adam at home during the day!
8.00am – Joseph falls asleep. Still in our bed. I check my email, facebook, flickr, blogs and UKS
8.15am – go downstairs and cook breakfast and start tidying things up. Jamie Oliver talking on radio about his Ministry of Food show
8.40am – eat breakfast of sausage, bacon & beans
8.50am – make coffee and go back upstairs to get dressed
9.05am – little man wakes up and has a kick about on his playmat while I straighten my hair
9.30am – do laundry
9.35am – dress Joseph
9.45am – Joseph’s world ends for the first time today, as he is put down while I go to the loo and get myself a drink before feeding him
9.50am – feed Joseph while watching Supernanny. Cuddles with the little man
10.35am – get ready to go out to Rhythm Time
10.45am – pick Sally & Elliot up
11.00am – Rhythm Time
11.25am – Joseph falls asleep and misses the last 10 minutes
11.35am – drive home, dropping Sally & Elliot off on the way
12.00 – arrive home – let Tigger in. Open post
12.05 – Joseph wakes up
12.10 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
12.15 – hang washing out to dry and put another load in machine to make the most of the beautiful weather
12.30 – eat lunch of jacket potato and beans – more Supernanny
1.00 – feed Joseph and have some cuddles
1.15 – change Joseph’s nappy
1.20 – chat with Adam on the phone
1.30 – put Joseph to bed. Check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
1.35 – attempt to make bed but fail, as Tigger is sleeping on it
1.40 – clean loo and wash basin. Finish making bed now that contrary cat has moved
1.45 – look up book on library website. Joseph falls asleep
1.50 – head back downstairs to tidy up
2.30 – joseph wakes. Check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
2.35 – bring Joseph downstairs and put him in his bouncy chair while I finish off my jobs
3.00 – washing machine finishes so go outside to peg laundry out. Put Joseph on his playmat in the lounge while I finish off in the kitchen
3.30 – jobs complete, I sit down with a hot chocolate and watch a bit more Supernanny while I check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
3.45 – cuddles with the little guy
4.00 – feeding time
4.20 – change nappy
4.30 – go out for a walk to meet Adam
5.30 – arrive home, have a drink, bring the washing in and start preparing tea
5.50 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
6.05 – Adam joins me in the kitchen to make his lunch for tomorrow
6.15 – tea is served
6.30 – tea over, I prepare joseph’s bottle and begin tidying the kitchen
6.40 – adam feeds joseph while I wash up
7.00 – adam tries to run Joseph a bath, but discovers the boiler is broken
7.20 – joseph goes to bed. I check my email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks while I wait for him to go to sleep
7.35 – little man fast asleep, I head downstairs to spend the evening snuggled up on the sofa with my husband
Photos can be found here
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