4.45 – Joseph is awake and won’t go back to sleep. Bring him in to our bed. After half an hour or so he starts to wind down and I think he’s close to sleep, so I return him to his own bed. He’s not impressed, so take him back out for a cuddle. He’s now decided he’s hungry, so I feed him. He falls asleep and I return him to his cot. This seems harder than when he was newborn.
6.00 – return to bed. Adam’s alarm clock goes off after half an hour and I do my best to stay asleep while he gets up, without ignoring him totally.
7.30 – adam comes to say goodbye and I go back to sleep properly
8.20 – joseph wakes up. He’s full of smiles as I change his nappy and dress him. I do my best to forget my tiredness.
8.30 – I go and make a coffee and return to the bedroom, laptop in hand
8.45 – Joseph is hungry. I feed him while checking email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks. He falls asleep on my lap.
9.10 – I risk moving the little guy. Procrastinate on the internet
9.30 – get dressed
9.40 – I text Sally to make plans for later and she calls back, which wakes Joseph.
9.45 – still not dressed, what have I been doing for the last 15 minutes?
10.00 – go downstairs to make breakfast. The plumber arrives to take details for a quote for a new boiler. Eat breakfast, wash up, make coffee
11.10 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks.
11.15 – play with Joseph
11.30 – put the little guy to bed. Sort laundry – it’s never ending!
11.50 – he falls asleep. Clean & tidy bedroom
12.15 – make lunch
12.20 – just as I take my first bite, Joseph wakes up. Bring him downstairs then eat whilst browsing the web
12.40 – using notes from this week, start analysing Joseph’s routine
12.55 – change nappy
1.00 – feeding time
1.20 – get ready to go out
1.30 – go out with Sally & Elliot to the Discovery Centre. Very interesting to see lots of old pictures of Bollington
3.10 – arrive home and sit outside with a glass of juice and a choc ice
3.20 – the little guy starts getting whingey so we go inside.
3.25 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
3.30 – play with Joseph
4.00 – feed the little guy
4.30 – go out to meet Adam from work
5.45 – return home. Have drink outside.
5.50 – Joseph starts crying big time
6.00 – Adam gives Joseph his bottle while I go to the chippy
6.30 – I return home. Joseph starts crying as soon as he sees me.
6.45 – Joseph is getting increasingly upset, but doesn’t seem hungry. Got a glimpse of broken skin on his bottom gums, so filled his mouth with teething gel! We suspected he was teething a couple of weeks ago, so it's good to see we were right. He fell asleep fully clothed on Adam, so we've put him to bed without a bath and PJs for now, as we get him up at 10pm for a feed anyway
7.15 – settle down on the sofa with a glass of wine.
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