6.05 – Joseph wakes, I go and get him and bring him to our bed for his feed
6.30 – Adam’s alarm goes off and he gets up. Me and the little guy go back to sleep
7.30 – adam comes to say goodbye, and joseph wakes up. Poo! He woke lots in the night and I’m shattered (even though Adam was the one who got up most of the time!) and was hoping for a bit more shut eye.
8.00 – change joseph’s nappy and get him dressed. He starts crying just before I finish. I need a shower, so getting dressed myself will have to wait til he’s in a better mood. We go downstairs, I put the playmat down, turn on the tv, but the little man is still whingy
8.15 – I give in and feed Joseph. He definitely seems more hungry now, and I guess weaning isn’t far away.
8.30 – put joseph back on his playmat, and he seems happy again now. Check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
8.40 – chat with adam on the phone
8.45 – watch piece about HSM3 on BBC breakfast
8.55 – send message to a friend
9.00 – watch Dawn French on BBC Breakfast
9.15 – take joseph upstairs and put him to bed.
9.20 – take a shower and get dressed
9.50 – laundry. Horrible weather today, and coupled with no heating, I’m not sure how I’ll get it dry. Check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
9.55 – make and eat breakfast of porridge, orange juice & coffee
10.15 – joseph wakes up. He’s got a dirty nappy, so I change him before taking him downstairs.
10.30 – joseph is still crying. Hungry. Again. I feed him while watching Supernanny. 2 hourly feeding is going to drive me nuts!
10.55 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
11.00 – feeling tired an unmotivated to do very much today
11.10 – feeling peckish, so make myself a coffee and grab a banana
11.20 – cuddle up with the little man on the sofa and watch some tv
11.55 – put joseph to bed
12.00 – put another load of laundry on. Check email, facebook, flick, blogs, uks
12.05 – can’t decide between getting some rest myself while the little guy sleeps, or ploughing on with the housework so I can rest later. Adam will be home late as it’s his badminton night
12.10 – make lunch
12.30 – chat with adam on the phone. Boiler is terminal and we will need a new one. Eat lunch of pasta in sauce
12.40 – I try and find places to hang wet clean laundry to dry
12.55 – joseph wakes and I take him downstairs
1.00 – I start working on some household admin
1.30 – I feed Joseph then change his nappy
1.50 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
2.00 – I continue with the household admin
2.20 – chat with adam on the phone. Chat with mum on the phone
2.30 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
2.45 – put Joseph to bed
2.50 – bravely peg washing on line
3.00 – Joseph still awake so I stay upstairs with him til he goes off
3.15 – chat with adam on the phone
3.20 – check email, facebook, flickr, blogs, uks
3.30 – make drink of hot honey & lemon – my throat is really sore. Devour 2 fun size boxes of smarties
3.35 – return to the admin whilst watching Countdown
3.45 – knock on the door from, Luke – it’s raining, so dash out and bring the washing in
3.50 – Joseph wakes up. Go and fetch him and bring him down. Play with him
4.05 – return yet again to the admin – rain is lashing down
4.10 – feed joseph
4.30 – change the little guy’s nappy
4.35 – put washing in tumble dryer
4.40 – little man whingey, so abandon all hope of getting any more jobs done until after he’s gone to bed for the night!
4.45 – I play with the little guy, chat on the phone with mum, cook my tea, eat my tea, prepare a bath for Joseph (not an easy task with no running hot water), bath Joseph, get him ready for bed, feed him, put him to bed, put the wet laundry on the airer, make the bed, fold the dry laundry, put more wet laundry on the airer, sort the rubbish, tidy the kitchen, fold the dry laundry from the tumble dryer, clean the lounge and sweep and mop the downstairs floors.
7.45 – collapse on the sofa with the Sky remote and a glass of sherry!
Today's pictures are here
*I would like to say that I've been using a Word document to keep track of what I'm doing and that on a normal day my computer wouldn't be on all day and so my internet usage would be considerably lower. When its on I just can't help myself!*
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