Monday 15th September 2008 - 12 weeks and 3 days
This is how my little man looks most of the time - hands in mouth. His cheeks are always pink too. I know it's far too early for teeth, but I had a look in his mouth this morning, and it looks a lot like there's some coming through at the back. Which is just odd!
We've been having a good week. Rhythm Time on Monday was good; Joseph seemed to enjoy it even more this week, and tolerated being held upright for longer too (the little man likes to lie flat and to have his own space).
On Tuesday I was ordered to rest by Adam, as I had to get up a few times in the night. Unfortunately "rest" isn't that easy; I went in to Macc to return some library books and then to Tesco to do the weekly shop. When we came home I put all the shopping away, made a cheesecake and the did some washing. I rested after that. For a little while anyway! Adam went to badminton straight from work, so I bathed Joseph and put him to bed and he was fast asleep by 7.30pm. I then cleaned the living room while my tea was cooking, that sat down and read the paper while eating my chips and brie. It was nice to have some me time in the evening.
Yesterday we went to baby massage. Unfortunately Joseph hadn't slept first, so wasn't quite as co-operative as usual, but he was still good, and we still enjoyed it. Sally and I both really enjoy the class - it's only small, the room is nice and relaxing, the teacher is great and we all sit and have a nice chat afterwards with a cuppa and a biscuit, so we'll be sad when it finishes next week. I must find the time to put what I've learned in to practice.
Last night we all went to Sally's for tea. We had a lovely meal; Sally and Shaun made a gorgeous steak and kidney pie, and I took the cheesecake that I'd made on Tuesday. The boys were very good (Joseph slept and Elliot was nicely chilled out) so we were able to relax and have a good old chat. It was the first time Adam and Shaun had seen each other since the ante-natal clasees, so it was great that they got on so well too.
This morning we have been to the baby clinic. Joseph has put on 8oz this week, taking him up to 16lbs 9oz. He has been feeding lots this week and has been taking more at his feeds as well, so I wasn't surprised. He's been quite grumpy at times, and I was a little concerned that he isn't getting enough food, so I'm pleased with the gain. Unfortunately one health visitor was on holiday, and the other was off sick, so we didn't get a replacement red book, and there wasn't really anyone to talk my feeding concerns through with.
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