Sunday 21st June 2008 - 13 weeks & 2 days
How grown up does my little man look here?!
And another week has flown by without an update, so we'd better have a quick catch up
We went back to Leicester last weekend to go to a wedding reception, and to visit family. It was only a flying visit, so we didn't get to see as many people as we would like, but we'll be back again in a few weeks and hopefully we can have a bit more of a catch up then.
We missed Rhythm Time on Monday, as I thought it was more important to do the first aid course at the post-natal group. Unfortunately the little man was awake and lively, so I found things a little more difficult to take in, and as there were no handouts, I perhaps didn't learn quite as much as I'd hoped. We had the last baby massage session this week, which is sad, but I'm finding time to put things in to practice at home, and we all exchanged phone numbers, so hopefully all the mummies can get together another time.
At clinic this week, Joseph had lost 3oz, which I was a little concerned about. The health visitor told me I need to eat more, as his slow down in weight gain has directly co-incided with me trying to shift the baby weight, so I now feel awful that he may not have been getting everything he needs. I wasn't dieting so much as cutting back on the junk food and cakes etc, so I need to find a healthy way of keeping my calorie/carb intake high.
We've had a lovely relaxing weekend, slowly getting things ready for our holiday. We are off to the Lake District for a few days, which we're really looking forward to. Unfortunately, Joseph appears to have a slight cold, and is almost definitely teething, which means he has been quite grumpy lately, especially in the afternoons, so we're hoping he'll be okay while we're away. But we're fully stocked up with Calpol and teething gel just in case!