I know this isn't the most flattering photo, but I love it! The little man just looks so cheeky.
The last week has been pretty manic. Last weekend I noticed that my c-section scar had become infected. It was very painful, and a little weepy, so I went to the doctors on Monday and was given some antibiotics, which has really helped. On Monday afternoon some friends of ours came over to see us, and more importantly, Joseph. On Tuesday we went to yoga. This week Joseph stayed awake for the whole session, but he was happy and smiley, so that was fine. In the evening, we had a visit from some more friends, Jen & Carl, who we hadn't seen for 2 years, and it was really lovely to catch up.
On Wednesday Joseph and I had our check up at the doctors. Joseph was smiley, co-operative and full of charm - the doctor was smitten! She was pleased with his development and said that we are both doing very well. I weighed in at 14lbs 6oz. In the afternoon, we went to see my friend from work, Lucy and her two little boys. Mike is 3 days older than Joseph, and Danny is 15 months. I hadn't seen Danny since Lucy went on maternity leave back in March, and I couldn't believe how much he had changed. He is a proper little boy now, not a baby. He is desperately wanting to talk, but isn't quite there yet, but he understands when you talk to him.
On Thursday we met up with Sally and Elliot and went for a two hour walk without realising. We just kept walking and chatting, after an hour decided we probably should turn round and come back! We then went back to Sally's to feed our starving boys, and to have a well earned cuppa. Both boys had a good kick around on the floor. Elliot is becoming more alert now - he seemed to be very sleepy for a while. Joseph had a play under Elliot's baby gym, but he didn't like it - there were too many toys and they were far too close and he just freaked out! He's much happier just kicking around on the floor. I also showed Sally the reusable nappies we've been using, and she was impressed and will probably give them a try.
On Friday Adam took the day off work, and we went to Cheshire Oaks. We're going to a wedding next month, and I had been hoping to find an outfit to wear, but I was unsuccessful. Still, it was nice to have a day out as a family. We went to TGI Fridays for tea before heading home.
Joseph has been doing really well with his feeding and is now regularly going 4 hours between feeds, which is great. He has also been going longer spells at night, which is even better! This time last week I was only having to get up once in the night, but since he's been going longer in the day, he's not been going so long at night. Although, saying that he went 7 hours last night after a full day of 4 hourly feeds! He certainly seems to be getting in to more of a routine now.
Hi hun - great to read a catch up :) Glad you and Joseph are doing well. My second scar got infected too - it'll clear up soon don't worry.
Re car boots. The one I went to was on Holly Lane in Styal, Wilmslow. There is a fab one in Chelford. There is also a good one in Warrington near the Sarahscards crop apparently - pm Sarah she will tell you the name of it. I have never been but heard it is fab :)
Keep well hun x
Thanks hun - am away next weekend, but will check it out the Sunday after. I had heard the Chelford one was good. Shame the weather is so crappy atm :(
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