Sunday, January 03, 2010

Back to work tomorrow after a full 2 weeks off work. I've actually really missed it, especially the routine, but getting up at 6.30am is going to be a real killer for all of us. I am, however, looking forward to getting the house back in to shape - it's always such a mess when we're all at home.

Barring the stress of the car being broken, although thankfully nowhere near as broken as we feared, I've had a lovely fortnight off. Christmas was nice and cosy and the. We visited family for a couple of days. Got the car fixed, did some shopping (mainly window shopping) and just relaxed. Today I have been to a baby shower - one of my friends from work is due in 6 weeks - and it was lovely to have a nice girly afternoon. I have spent most of the weekend working on my NVQ and am so happy that I am finally making progress with it

And now, a nice soak in the bath before heading to bed for, hopefully, a good nights sleep. I have been a bit unsettled at work lately, but am lookingu forward to going back tomorrow to face new challenges and show what I can do :)

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Linda said...

Maybe if you succeed in keeping your own blog up to date you will help JoJo get his going again!!