Joseph at 5 months old - 20th November 2008
Lots to update, yet again!
We didn't go swimming, as Joseph's cold got worse before it got better, and Elliot caught it too. We had several very interrupted nights, but thankfully the cold finally left after hanging around for over a fortnight.
Mum came to visit us for the weekend, which was lovely. Adam met up with a friend in Manchester for the day, while we went to the sensory centre, and then did a bit of shopping, and also took Joseph for a photo shoot. It was a "free" one with a complimentary print, but the other photos we so good that, of course, we ended up buying more. I have vouchers for several more free sessions with a complimentary print, but I'm not sure I'll use them again, as it's just too tempting and the photos are so expensive. Joseph loved the camera and seemed to really enjoy the shoot. I'm looking forward to collecting the photos on Friday. They're mostly presents though, so we won't be keeping many ourselves. I have looked into modelling for him, as I'm sure every new mother does, but it doesn't seem all that lucrative, and as I'm about to go back to work, it's probably a no-go.
We now have a highchair, but Joseph is struggling with it as he is so lazy! If he is sitting upright it is too much effort for him to swallow, so we have to recline it if we actually want him to eat his food.
Adam and I went to see The Feeling in concert last Monday and had a great time. Sally and Shaun babysat for us. We took Joseph to their house, bathed him, fed him and put him to bed. We then made sure he was fast asleep before we left. The gig was great and apparently Joseph was very well behaved while we were out and stayed asleep. He was a nightmare for us though! As he now is most nights. He really struggles to settle himself when he wakes in the night, so we're trying to leave him to settle himself before his daytime naps now to see if that helps. I'm also trying and failing to cut out his 10pm feed, as I'm not convinced he needs it.
I've done two full days at work now and Joseph has stayed at home with Adam. It's gone really well for me, I've settled back in as if I haven't been gone, and the days have gone really quickly. For the boys it's a different story, but I think things are improving! Unfortunately Joseph is a bit of a mummy's boy, so he's not impressed when I leave him for a long time. I went to the crop for a few hours at the weekend though, leaving him at home, and he was absolutely fine, so maybe we're turning a corner.
I know I say this a lot, but I really must try and keep on top of my updating!
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