Joseph @ 8 months & 3 weeks
Sorry sorry sorry; it's been an absolute age again, I don't know how I do it! Life just gets in the way. So, where to start...
I am now properly back at work, working all day (8am-6pm) Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Fortunately Joseph has now settled in to nursery and loves it, it only took him a week or so. I'm so proud of him, and I often get a little tear in my eye as I watch him through the window playing so happy, confidently and independently. He still loves cuddles as well, but doesn't need to be sitting on someone's knee all day like he did at the start. In the last couple of weeks, he finally started to notice the other children as well, and its great to see him interact with the other babies. The downside is that he hasn't been well since he started. He's had a couple of viral infections, and the last one was coupled with a secondary ear and chest infection too! He doesn't let it bother him though, and on the whole he so cheerful.
I am working hard, and loving it. At the moment I think I have the balance just right. 3 days at work and 4 at home seems to be working really well for all of us. I'd love to be able to chop my days down by a couple of hours, to 9-5 or 8-4, but the nursery fees would still be the same, so its just not affordable.
We haven't been travelling as much lately, as at times it was starting to feel like we were never at home, but we have had a few visits from family, which have been lovely. We are off on holiday next week, which Adam and I are very much looking forward to. Just a short break at Center Parcs, but hopefully it'll be nice and restful and a much nicer experience than the time we spent at Haven last year! It's also our wedding anniversary while we are away - the last 3 years have absolutely flown by, and our lives have changed so much, but we are extremely happy, and I feel blessed to have a wonderful husband and a beautiful son. We also love living in Bollington, it's been such a great move, if only family weren't so far away.
I don't really have much else to report, it's been quite a quiet time, just wanted to let you know I'm still here. We'll have internet access while we're away next week, so you never know, I might blog again soon! Joseph is hoping to update his blog later on tonight.....
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