11 November 2008 - 20 weeks & 4 days
Well, I was saving this picture for 1st December, but as usual, I'm behind with my posting! It was taken during a photo shoot I did with Joseph to try and get some pics to use for Christmas cards. I got some lovely shots, but in the end we decided not to use them as the cost of producing them was so much greater than just buying cards.
Fortunately I was well enough to go in to work. I was feeling much better and then started to feel worse again. Apparently it was some viral thing that I must've picked up from work - worse than a cold, but not as bad as flu. Work was good, and Adam and Joseph had a really good day at home too.
We then went down to Leicester for the weekend to see family and exchange Christmas presents. The following weekend we went down to Cambridgeshire to stay with my brother and his family. We had a lovely time, it's just a shame the car journey is so long.
So after all the travelling from the previous weekends, last weekend we stayed at home and had a nice relaxing time. We went to the Trafford Centre bright and early on Saturday morning. We were there at opening time, and all had breakfast while we waited for the shops to open. It was a great time to go and we got everything done quickly and easily. It was only really starting to get busy as we left, and we were home in time for lunch.
I went out to the work Christmas do on Saturday night. I drove, as it was in Manchester, so a bit of a pain to get back from, but I still had a good time. Joseph fell out with me before I went though, as he could obviously tell I was going out. He refused to cuddle me or let me kiss him goodbye. He wouldn't even let me feed him! So I had to express milk so that he could have a bottle instead. I think he thought that would stop me going.
Joseph has become an absolute joy to be around. He's so happy and chatty, full of smiles and giggles. He's developing such a jolly character and I find myself falling in love with him over and over again. His physical development is slowing coming along now as well. He is now able to sit up, although not for very long, and most of the time he decides he doesn't even want to try! He is more tolerant of being on his tummy now, and holds himself up really well, and has even started to push up on to his knees a little bit. He is capabale of rolling from his tummy to his back and also from his back to his tummy, but again, he chooses not to. He rolls all the way to one side, and then back again - he really manages to wriggle his way round the room! He'll be 6 months old tomorrow - I can't believe how fast the time goes.
Unfortunately Joseph has not been well today, he has been running a temperature, has a furry tongue, has been very sleepy, wanted lots and lots cuddles, not happy to play and off his food. I took him to the doctor, as I thought his furry tongue was thrush, but apparently it isn't, and together with the other symptoms, the doctor thinks he has a viral infection, er that'd be doctor speak for a cold then. Hmm, we'll see.
1 comment:
He is just sooooo cute! I love seeing pics of him :)
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