I'm probably going to regret starting this blog at 10.50pm, but never mind! I've just got home from a night out at Pizza Hut with the girls from work, and I don't really feel tired yet.
So, you probably want to know what's been going on in the 8 weeks since I last posted! :o We took a couple of week's break from house hunting, and arranged 7 viewings for the weekend that Adam moved to Bollington. 5 were new viewings, and we arranged to see the under-budget house, and the one with the spiral staircases again. Mum and dad came with us this time, and saw a few properties with us, including the two we had seen before. We saw some nice houses, and some not so nice houses, but at the end of the weekend, we decided that the most financially sound choice was the one that was considerably under-budget, and we had an offer accepted on the Sunday afternoon. We've seen nicer houses, but this will only be a short term home and it has the potential for us to improve and make some money. The others all needed too much work, or no work at all, meaning that we wouldn't make back any money that we spent on it. You can see some pictures of it
here and pictures of the local area
here. We're waiting for the results of a few reports, but hopefully it will be full steam ahead very soom.
Our flat went on the market about two weeks ago and there has been no interest yet, which is very disappointing, but fortunately, not our problem.
Work is going well for me. I am really enjoying it and learning so much. I am still working with the tiny babies which is really interesting as the children develop so much. Fortunately I have been able to arrange a transfer to another Leapfrog nursery near to the new house. They were happy to accept my manager's recommendation, and didn't ask for an interview. I have been for a look around (at my own request) and it seems like it will be nice. The nursery is smaller, the staff were very friendly, and it seemed quite quiet, which will be ideal for working on my NVQ.
Adam's job is also going well, and he is enjoying it, although he is finding living on his own to be a bit lonely at times. I did take Tigger to see him last weekend, but she kept trying to climb out of the windows, and in a second floor flat that was a bit of a worry, so I brought her home again!
Well, I think that brings us up to date (we did spend a lovely week in Cyprus on a family holiday, but that seems so long ago now!) and bed is calling. I hope to start posting again more often (I know you've heard it all before) now that things are beginning to calm down temporarily.
PS - thanks for you advice, bro - can anyone tell me how to save a database to my computer using 34sp? I know where to find it, I'm just not sure how to save it! TIA
PPS - just remembered the real reason I turned to computer on! The phone line is dead, but the internet works, so was going to see if I could report a fault on line....