Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Delights of Ebay

People are bidding on some of the things I am selling on Ebay. The blue shoes pictured below have received little interest, but some more hideous stripy wedges have received 5 votes and are currently at the grand price of £5.05. I think this is purely because they are Miss Sixty. That's why I bought them. I never wore them though, so I'm selling them. They only cost me £3. However, some more classy designer shoes by Roberto Vianni which I have worn (once, or maybe twice) have received no bids. They cost me £40 when I bought them to wear to Adam's mum's wedding. My Quicksilver simming costume (again bought because of the name and is also unworn) has received lots of interest and is also currently in excess of £5.

However, such items as the dress and tops pictured below have received no bids and I am shocked. I would have expected that these items would be just the job for the youth of today. Obvioulsy shows how out of touch I am.

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