Joseph @ 7 months - 20th January 2009
So it's an old photo now, but one of my faves all the same. The little man is really growing up now. 7.5 months old, 5 teeth (with a 6 on the way), confidently sitting up for play time, exploring absolutely everything, full of smiles most of the time, non-stop chatterbox and an absolute joy. He currently has another cold, and has been pretty poorly with it, but it hasn't bothered him at all. Unfortunately, he hasn't yet settled at nursery, but it's still very early days. He's done 2 full days so far; the first day went pretty well, he was very clingy, but was teething and suffering with his cold, so would probably have been clingy at home. He did get upset at times, but on the whole, coped very well. His second day was a different story. He seemed to spend his day crying, taking a break only to eat and sleep. It's such a shame, as I know he'll love it as soon as he lets himself, but it's difficult to know what to do in the meantime. We'll have to see what Friday brings. He may have just been tired on Monday, after a busy weekend.
Nursery for me, however, is going well. I have been based in a room now, which will help me to settle back in quickly. It always helps to know where you're going to be. Makes you feel more useful. I'll be working with 1-2s again, but in a different room - we have 3 for that age group. The children are great, and I'm confident that I will be able to work well with the staff. I am also due to finally start my NVQ very soon, which I am so excited about!
We are slowly making changes to make things work better at home and to make us feel better about the house, as we really can't afford to move, and I am loving this website for inspiration and ideas. I am starting to build up a wish list of things to get from Ikea, but need to get the thumbs up from Adam before I make the journey as, unfortunately, he holds the purse strings now.
I went to the crop a couple of weeks ago and managed to complete 6 layouts for Joseph's scrapbook, which I'm thrilled about. Had such a lovely time doing them and think I am starting to refind my mojo, so now need to keep the momentum going and find more time to create. There's another crop this weekend, so need to convince Adam that he would like to spend a day at home spending quality time with his son!
Now that I'm all caught up, I'm hoping to be able to post brief updates every couple of days from my iPod...