Friday, May 30, 2008

I am now officially bored! There are plenty of things I *could* be doing, but there's nothing that I feel like doing. Just feeling a bit sorry for myself now. Still, it's very nearly the weekend, which means I get two whole days of company!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well, I’ve had a busy few weeks, but have achieved everything I wanted to do before the baby arrives. All the furniture we ordered arrived, and I have assembled it and put it all into place. Barr a couple of lampshades and a new bedside lamp, the bedroom is about finished. The nursery is complete – the only thing missing is the baby! And now the lounge is about done too. We still need to buy some new curtains and choose a new armchair, but other than that, it’s ready. We have a sofabed on order, and it should arrive in about 6 weeks. The house is now starting to really feel like home, and I am finally happy to bring a baby in to it. You can see the progress at Flickr

We still have about 3 weeks before baby is due to make an appearance, but we have a feeling it may arrive sooner. Whatever happens, we feel ready now and I am finally resting.

I've decided to take part in this project. I started a month late and have decided to make my day 26th, but you can see my May pics Flickr. Next month should be very different! I am hoping to find more time for scrapbooking now, and this project has inspired me so I’m feeling ready to get creative again.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Well, a day and a half into my maternity leave (well, holiday if we're going to be picky) and I've accomplished loads. I went to Tesco yesterday, and to ikea. I also went out for a walk to the library and the chemist. I washed the pots, cooked the tea, and changed the sheets on the bed, replacing the quilt with one with a lower tog. So far today I have caught up with loads of outstanding messages on Facebook, chased up a couple of utilities companies that still owe us money from the move and ordered next week's groceries. This afternoon I am off out to meet a friend who is going to loan us a load of baby goodies.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Well, setting up the baby blog seems to have negated the need for this one! All is well here, and I think this period will be the calm before the storm. I am now 34 weeks pregnant and left work yesterday. I'm on "holiday" til the 14th, when my maternity leave starts. I plan to rest lots, but also have a list longer than my arm of jobs to do before baby comes.