Sunday, January 13, 2008

The week is over, and I feel we've accomplished loads. The pictures don't really do what we've done justice, but we're really getting there. All that's left now is to decorate the lounge and kitchen, buy the storage unit we want for the lounge, and a couple of other pieces of furniture for the bedroom, furnish the nursery (current state in pic above) and get rid of the huge amount of stuff on the get rid of pile! House pics are here. Before pics, at various stages are here

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Right, I seem to have a spare hour, so hopefully there's time to write an update!

So, last time I wrote, I had 2 weeks left at work before starting at a new nursery, and Adam had just passed his Phd.

Changing nurseries was definitely the right thing to do. I am much happier now and it feels more right. Two days after starting, I found out I was pregnant. Although this was horrendously bad timing, work have been really good about it all. We were trying, but everything happened a bit quicker than we anticipated! Generally I have been fine, no sickness, bar one week of nausea. But I have been totally knocked out by it. I'm so tired when I come home from work its unbelievable. Still, I'm 18 weeks now, and things seem to be improving a little. I've set up a separate blog for the full pregnancy ramble, which is here.

We finally moved into our house at the start of November. Upstairs was decorated and carpeted, and we had laminate flooring fitted downstairs. But due to my weakened state, we hadn't managed to decorate downstairs, which left us with a lot of bare plaster following the completion of the damp work. Dad came up for a couple of days to help us move stuff from the flat, which was a great help, as we were both only able to take an afternoon off to move.

We were overwhelmed by boxes, but managed to get things reasonably straight by dumping most things in the "spare" room. But, as we only have 2 bedrooms, we knew we needed to get things sorted sooner rather than later. At the start of December, a visit to my brother and sister-in-law yielded a plethora of baby stuff, which was fabulous, but resulted in yet more stuff being dumped in the spare room. Pictures of the house, 6 weeks after moving in are on Flickr.

So, we both took a whole week off work this week to try and get things sorted. And we're getting there. We've been to the tip twice (and I suspect there might be another visit tomorrow) and have Freecycled quite a lot too. The bedroom now looks pretty good, as does the kitchen (bar the bare plaster), and there's space to move in the nursery. The lounge now looks pretty bare, but we're avoiding putting too much in as we plan to decorate soon. Unfortunately we can't afford to buy the furniture that we want/need for the room just yet, but we know how we want to the room to look, and have planned lots of storage, so we're getting there. I don't have pictures yet, but I'll take some at the end of the weekend and get them posted ASAP.

We also managed to take a day off from house on Thursday as it was my birthday. We started with a trip to Ikea, before heading in to Manchester to spend some birthday money. Adam then took me out for a lovely meal at our favourite restaurant, which happens to be a mere two minutes walk from home.

Tigger is settling in to her new surroundings very well. She loves that we have stairs, and thinks it's great fun to trip you up on them. She goes outside now too, at every opportunity and is having a whale of a time. She's also more relaxed and affectionate now too, when she's inside, which is fab.

Right, time to sort some lunch, before I get cracking on the house again!
Back soon - I promise